COVID-19 Safe Management MEASURES

PFE Technologies Pte Ltd has implemented a Safe Management Programme to keep our workplace safe, and to prevent any viral transmissions. As a valued customer, these are the important things you need to know.

Continued Operations

PFE Technologies Pte Ltd has been operating through the duration of the Circuit Breaker and Phase One as an MTI (Ministry of Trade and Industry) approved essential business. We will continue operations at our workplace premises with continued safe-distancing and other safe management measures.

Operating hours:
9am to 4.45pm, Mon – Fri
Off days: Weekends, public holidays.

No Entry to Visitors

There will be no entry to all visitors to our workplaces, except for the purposes of goods collection and delivery. The only visitors allowed into our workplaces are:

  • Couriers
  • Delivery personnel collecting goods for our customers
  • Other pre-authorized visitors who have made prior appointments

Visitors who do not fulfill any of the above will be turned away. Self-collection for our online store has also been disabled.

We are still serving all our customers and clients through other non-physical means, such as through our online store and our inhouse deliveries. If in doubt, feel free to get in touch with us through the phone or by mail.


All employees and visitors are required to check-in using SafeEntry when entering our premises by scanning the QR code at our entrances. They will be required to use their mobile phones to scan, and fill in their personal details. They are likewise required to check-out when exiting. Click here for more information on SafeEntry.

Reducing Physical Interaction

PFE Technologies Pte Ltd is actively seeking to reduce physical interaction wherever possible in the following ways.

  • There will be less employees present at our office, and many will work from home. As a result, it may take more time for physical payments, collections, or purchases at our premises.
  • We strongly encourage for customers to use digital, no-touch payment methods such as bank transfers, GIRO, and PayNow in all cases.
  • We encourage all customers to communicate with us by email, texts, or phone calls. Please avoid coming to our workplace.

Safe distancing Measures

Safe-distancing measures have been implemented for our employees and visitors to our premises.

  • Masks are required at all time within the premises.
  • All individuals are to abide by the safe-distance markers as provided
  • All visitors are required to sanitize their hands (provided) before opening our door and entering.
  • All visitors and employees must keep a safe distance of at least 1 metre from others.

Health Checks and Protocols

  • All visitors must check their temperatures at our temperature screening stations. Visitors with high temperatures (> 37.4C) will have to leave.
  • All visitors must declare via SafeEntry, before being allowed to enter premises, that they:
    • Are currently not under a quarantine or isolation order, Stay-Home Notice, or been issued medical certificates for respiratory symptoms;
    • Have not had close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case in the past 14 days; and
    • Do not have any fever or flu-like symptoms.

Please take note of these guidelines to ensure a smooth and safe experience for all.

These measures are part of our Safe Management Programme which has been implemented for our entire operations.